Friday, July 15, 2011


From ODJ (Our Daily Journey)
Read: 1 Samuel 23:1-14

Scene 1:
David hears that Keilah is under attack.
David: "Should I help the people in Keilah?"
God: "Yes, go and help them."
David: "Are you sure? It may cost us our lives."
God: "Tes, go."
Narrator: So David went and delivered Keilah fro the Philistines.

Scene 2:
David catches wind of Saul's strategy to destroy him at Keilah.
David: "Will the leaders in Keilah help me?"
God: "No, they won't. They will betray you instead."

The Bible doesn't tell us if David said anything to the Keilah leaders in light of their gratitude (1Samuel 23:4, 12. But I know what I would have done. If I had been David, I would have been cursing them even as I bolted from the "walled town" with my men (v. 7).

David, however, simply arose and left the city. His silence is instructional. It tells us that it doesn't matter how people treat us; what matters most is the way we respond to God.

Four times we read that David inquired of the Lord. In the first instance, when David heard of the misfortune of others, instead of watching his own safety, he asked God whether he should go and help (v. 2). In the second instance, he brought his question to God despite the passionate pleas from his men who had already made up their minds not to go (vv. 3-4). In the third and fourth instances, David was in a tight spot because God had led his there. Yet, instead of getting angry with God, he prayed and awaited an answer (vv. 10-12).

Do you want to be a person after God's heart? David gave us a great example: Seek the Lord's will and do it. 

- Poh Fang Chia

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